Job Postings

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Police Recruit
The City of Elk Grove is currently accepting applications for
$30.96 hourly + excellent benefits
The Elk Grove Police Department is inviting motivated individuals seeking a challenging and rewarding career in law enforcement to apply for the Police Recruit position. This is an exciting opportunity for someone with the desire to begin a career in law enforcement and participate in a high level of community collaboration.
This is a non-sworn position designed for individuals considering a career in law enforcement and for the purpose of preparing potential Police Officer candidates. Employees in this position are temporary at-will employees who are preparing for and attending the Police Academy. Upon successful completion of the academy, incumbents are then appointed to the sworn Police Officer classification. Upon appointment to the sworn Police Officer- Entry Level position, incumbents will earn a salary of $85,016.00/annually plus any applicable incentives and holiday in lieu pay pursuant to the EGPOA MOU.
Tentative Recruitment Timeline (subject to change)
Filing Deadline: 11:59 PM on February 3, 2025
Written Exam: February 8, 2025
Oral Board Interviews: February 18, 2025 (in person)
For a complete job description, further details about our benefit package and to apply, please visit our
website at:
Human Resources Department
8401 Laguna Palms Way | Elk Grove, CA 95758 | 916-683-7111