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Equity Educators (Interns) for the Equity Educator Internship Program

Posted: 08/20/2024


The Equity Educator Intern Program is designed to provide hands-on/practical experience in an educational setting with a Faculty Ambassador for one semester. To enhance the Equity Educator’s introduction to the field of instruction, the program has the following two components: 1) approximately 16 hours of equity and student-centered training (at no cost to the Equity Educator) and 2) approximately 64 hours of classroom observation/program requirements, which includes no more than 6 hours of direct instruction. 

This program is also open to individuals interested in non-instructional faculty roles, such as individuals interested in becoming Counselors, Librarians, etc.

Examples Of Functions and Tasks


 Expectations for this position include: 

  1. Attend the equity and student-centered training. 
  2. Attend every class meeting (or other educational activity for non-instructional positions) led by assigned Faculty Ambassador Mentor (for one course) in the Spring 2025 semester.
  3. Meet with assigned Faculty Ambassador Mentor for a minimum of fifteen (15) minutes per week to discuss any questions, concerns, ideas, lesson plans, etc.  
  4. Teach a minimum of three (3), not to exceed (4), class sessions and/or trainings (for non-instructional positions).
  5. Meet with the assigned Faculty Ambassador Mentor for a minimum of thirty (30) minutes subsequent to each class session taught to exchange feedback.
  6. Observe at least one (1) other unassigned Faculty Ambassador's class.
  7. Participate in a mid-semester facilitated discussion with Equity Educator cohort.
  8. Attend an end-of-semester debrief and celebration.
  9. Obtain guidance regarding the part-time faculty application and interview process. This could include interviewing for a part-time teaching/non-instructional position.
  10. Optional: Additional $1000 stipend offered for Equity Educators who complete one of the following professional development opportunities: Online Teaching Boot-Up, Equity & Inclusion Faculty Certificate Series—Unit 1, or Equitable Instruction Workshop (EIW). 


The Equity Educator program mandatory obligation is approximately eighty (80) hours.

Minimum Qualifications


  1. Graduate students within one (1) year of completion of a Master’s degree or Doctorate degree OR meet the minimum qualifications of a subject-matter discipline AND
  2. No prior paid higher education teaching experience AND
  3. Demonstrate the ability to utilize an equity mindset framework in and out of the classroom. 
NOTE: To review the minimum qualifications for adjunct faculty assignments, go to Minimum Qualifications Handbook ( 



Tier 1 (mandatory): $500 stipend after completion of the program
(The Equity Educator program obligation is approximately 80 hours, and upon conclusion of the program and meeting all requirements outlined above, the Equity Educator shall receive a $500 stipend.)

Tier 2 (optional): Additional $1000 stipend available for completion of professional development training 

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