Chamber Member

Job Postings


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Our job postings are exclusive benefits to our membership.

Associate Engineer/Associate Civil Engineer

The City of Elk Grove is currently accepting applications for


Associate Engineer/Associate Civil Engineer


$97,911 - $131,224 annually + excellent benefits


Associate Engineer: $97,911 - $131,224 Annually

Associate Civil Engineer: $102,916 - $137,931 Annually


The ideal candidate will have at least four years of experience in managing capital improvement projects with a municipal agency. They will be experienced in professional engineering assignments in design development and delivery of public works infrastructure projects, requiring expertise in multiple civil engineering-related functions; knowledge of architectural and facility project development, principles and practices of planning, design, and construction as applied to public works projects; and experience with processes and procedures associated with federal and state funding requirements, and applicable federal and state laws and standards governing public works projects.


Tentative Recruitment Timeline (subject to change)

Filing Deadline: 11:59 PM on March 24, 2025         

Oral Board Interviews: April 8, 2025 (virtual)

Final Selection Interviews: April 14, 2025 (in person)


For a complete job description, further details about our benefit package and to apply, please visit our website at


Human Resources Department

8401 Laguna Palms Way | Elk Grove, CA 95758 | 916-683-7111

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