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Job Postings


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Animal Services Volunteer/Event Coordinator

The City of Elk Grove is currently accepting applications for

Animal Services Volunteer/Events Coordinator

$61,874.00 - $82,931.00 annually + excellent benefits

The City of Elk Grove is now accepting applications for the position of


The City is seeking a dynamic individual with strong leadership abilities and customer engagement skills to fill the position of Animal Services Volunteer/Events Coordinator. The Animal Services Volunteer/Events Coordinator organizes and supervises a robust volunteer program and coordinates a variety of community outreach activities and programs in support of the City's Animal Shelter. This position recruits volunteers and foster families, is responsible for creating and maintaining volunteer staffing and training schedules. The incumbent will be responsible for all stages of programs and special events, from concept to implementation and will be expected to develop marketing and outreach material. The selected candidate must possess strong organizational skills and have the ability to supervise volunteers.

Tentative Recruitment Timeline (subject to change)
Filing Deadline: 11:59 PM on March 26, 2025
Oral Board Interviews: April 8, 2025 (virtual)
Final Selection Interviews: April 22, 2025 (in person)

For a complete job description, further details about our benefit package and to apply, please visit our
website at:

Human Resources Department
8401 Laguna Palms Way | Elk Grove, CA 95758 | 916-683-7111

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